Friday, December 12, 2008

Thing #22 E-Books and Audio books

I signed up with NetLibrary on campus, so I can access this resource from home. I checked e-book lists and found some cool stuff. Wowio includes comic books! Then there is DailyLit which provides small parts of books via e-mail - serialization. I am going to share LibriVox - free audio books - with my mother who has a difficult time with reading now. I have enjoyed Suzie B's display of e-books, and her marketing efforts. Students are delighted to learn about these materials - and to receive the treats!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thing # 19 - LibraryThing - I am giddy in LOVE!

I dealt with LibraryThing at #s 11 and 13, but really worked with it here at #19. Oh my goodness, what FUN! As a cataloger, working with LibraryThing is a dream come true. I registered and hit the ground running. Added 7 books to my account - BEAUTIFUL display of covers. I looked around for what I could add next and pulled the "kiddie lit"from the bottom shelf of one of my bookcases. I whizzed through them, entering 60 ISBNs in less than an hour. What a high! Only half a dozen not in the system - to be added manually. When you are in take a look at my library: CSMLibrarian.

Features I particularly appreciate include: Member Tags - which show me how other folks access each title. I can use some of these rather than thinking up my own tags. Reviews - interesting and informative. Tell how to use books in classroom or for storytime. Conversations - actual dialogs. Groups -so many to be part of - like Librarians who LibraryThing (5422 members) librarians, catalogers, archivists, students... or anyone else who wants to talk about metadata, tagging, FRBR, library… just my thing!

Happy Pat

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thing #12 - Rollyo SearchBox Tool to my search rolls

Thing #12
Here's the Rollyo SearchBox Tool to my search rolls on Museums, Reference, and Kayaking:

Thing #12 Rollyo

For Thing # 12 I checked out searchrolls. The Quick Quotes seemed to be filled with advertising - yuck. Guess I like books of quotes to go through better, since I am familiar with them. I liked SJ Library's Reference list - some websites were already on my favorites list. I registered with Rollyo and created searchrolls: Reference, Kayaking, Museums (Fun!).

I will add a searchroll to my blog next time.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thing #11 discovery

Discovered - beyond the blog.
"LibraryThing is a site for book lovers.
LibraryThing helps you create a library-quality catalog of your books. You can do all of them or just what you're reading now.
And because everyone catalogs online, they also catalog together. LibraryThing connects people based on the books they share."
They had a volunteer group of catalogers catalog a Church library's materials in one day? This is called a "Flash catalog"! What a great community idea - like barn raising, only cataloging.

Thing #11 and HELP!

I joined After checking out several groups, I joined the Academic Librarians and Library 2.0/Web 2.0 group. My problem is that I have not been successful in putting my avatar on My Page. I am getting confused. Could use some help. Thanks.

Saw a reference to LibraryThing blog which I will look into next.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

#11 Web 2.0 Award winning applications

#11 I looked through the "short list" of Award winners and worked with
I chose this site because it's a "book search and marketplace" thing - fits with my interests! It states, "buying books supports literacy and education." has built 7 libraries in South America. Good for them, and those who benefit. BiblioUnbound is their monthly ezine for booklovers. And they have a blog: -BEAUTIFUL.

I will work on Ning next time.